OS/RC Updates
7/25/2006 Update:
We just relocated our server to a new, more stable, home and upgraded the
hardware. OSRC has been around for over 11 years now and we don't plan to
disappear any time soon. Enjoy!
4/24/2005 Update:
No news is good news, things have been running smoothly here!
10/10/2004 Update:
More OSRC database horkage occurred last night. Luckily I was prepared so it
was easy to fix. Even better, I now know what's going on so it won't happen
in the future!
Thanks to all readers who let me know of the problem,
9/8/2004 Update:
After spending lots of quality time with mysql, and with the help of an
anonymous OSRC reader, the database has been fixed. Please let me know if you
run into any other problems in the future!
8/20/2004 Update:
As you probably noticed, the OSRC database was recently corrupted. If anyone
has copies of the index.html files for the nuked "new" pages, please send them
to me and I'll fix the corruption ASAP. I have all of the data files and
records, I just don't have the index pages anymore.
Thanks all!
4/13/2004 Update:
If you are looking for a powerful compiler for your OS development, check out
the LLVM Compiler. It currently supports C and
C++ using a parser based off of GCC, but has its own completely new optimizer
which supports powerful interprocedural and runtime optimizations. Check it out!
12/23/2003 Update:
Wow, it's hard to believe, but the OSRC has been up and running for over 4
years now!
7/15/2002 Update:
Well our upgrade officially did not go well at all. Apache 2.0.x hates PHP and
our new hard drive crashed and did all kinds of bad things. Nondot is back up
and running on it's old drive, and OSRC seems to be working again. Sorry for
the interruption, thanks for all of those who let me know! :)
5/6/2002 Update:
A not so smooth upgrade is going, well, not so smooth. Have no fear though!
OSRC should be back up and running in the next couple of days.
4/3/2002 Update:
Miscellaneous Updates:
- Added a great document describing the EXT/2 filesystem
- Added the official ISO-9660 filesystem spec.
- Added the Sound Blaster Hardware Programming Guide from Creative Labs
3/26/2002 Update:
11/20/2001 Update:
Misc updates:
- Added new PCI BIOS documentation
- Fixed several broken links
- SerialATA spec added
5/6/2001 Update:
Hey all, keeping with the spirit of more frequent updates, some new
material has been added to the OS/RC:
- "AMD Extensions to MMX and 3DNow!" - Describing Athlon specific
modifications to MMX and 3DNow!
- "AltiVec Technology Programming Interface Manual" - Which defines the
AltiVec instruction set used on PowerPC chips.
- "Introduction to ISO 9660" an thorough description of ISO9660.
- "Thread Segment Stacks" - a novel way to layout thread stacks in memory
- "Bringing SMP to Your UP Operating System" - intro to adding SMP to an OS
- "The Design of Large-Scale, Do-It-Yourself RAIDs"
- "Information Specification for Bootable CD-ROMs" more info on bootable
Enjoy, and as always, please sending in your submissions!
4/28/2001 Update:
- Feb 12 - Updated "Linear eXecutable Module Format Description" abstract
with input by Edd Doutre.
The big news today is that a new database and backend are running the site.
Among other things, this means that you can submit material yourself, directly using a web
form. This will make it much easier for me to update stuff in the future... so
hopefully we will have more frequent updates! (one bad sideeffect of this,
however, is that everything is marked recent. :( This will disappear soon)
2/8/2001 Update:
The first update of 2001!
- New networking section, thanks to John Meacham! If anyone has any other
network hardware documentation laying around, please forward it my way!
- Added a new OS FAQ by Stuart 'Dark Fiber' George.
- Added some excellent information on the FAT filesystem (and its long file
name extensions), direct from Microsoft!
- Added intel specs for 8259A PIC Chip, the Floppy controller chip, and the 8237 DMA controller.
- Added a great document about IDE disk drive interfacing
- Added some information about the ISO 9660 filesystem.
- Fixed some broken links
In addition to this, I'm starting to piece together a video card section to
contain documentation for the various hardware accelleration features available
on everyones desktop. If you have any info, please let me know.
9/24/2000 Update:
- Added COFF Spec link (thanks to Aaron Gray for pointing me to it!)
- Daniel Marjamäki updated his NASM boot sector tutorial
- Added a link to the Linux Kernel Internals Page
- Updated "Design Goals and implementation of the new High Performance File System" with an awesome HTML version that actually includes the images!
- Added the "Sparc Architecture Manual V9"
- Added a document entitled "File System usage in Windows NT 4.0"
- Added a couple of documents by Cornellis Frank: ("Making plain binary files using a C compiler", & a PDF'ized version of the 8259A Interrupt Controller document.
- Added a link to a copy of the Linux 0.0.1 source code...
And of course, the big change is that we're on a new server now...
ps, it's my birthday today! :)
6/11/2000 Update:
Whoa! New stuff! :)
Lots of information is now available about the DPMI 1.0 Spec (thanks to Kurt Bailey for the PDF version). Added link to the "Virtual Memory Tutorial", the Linux MM Subsystem Page, an awesome manual on optimizing for the Pentium Family of chips, and documentation for Intel's ACPI specification is new...
3/7/2000 Update:
Another long overdue update has been performed... here we see updates to the
boot strapping section, where reader Daniel Marjamäki wrote in a new boot strapping tutorial.
In addition to that new documents have been added describing the IA64 architecture in a more accessable form, a document has been added to the filesystems section describing an OOP class hierarchy suitable for filesystem API design. In the Misc Sofware section, a new document describes how to take advantage of our processor's VM hardware to access persistant object stores...
As always, keep the input, articles, and corrections flowing in!
12/11/1999 Update:
12/6/1999 Update:
Coming up one one year anniversary of the OS/RC, newer and better things
are in the works... look for them in the next month or so...
I have been updating lots of sections of the web page to contain more content... adding to the file systems, and proc features sections... But the most interesting change is probably the new "Misc. Software" section, where I'm putting up papers that address overall OS design issues...
Anyways, as always, let me know if you have any comments, suggestions, or contributions to the OS/RC... share the knowledge with others!
10/13/1999 Update:
More updates all around...
I've added some more stuff that is useful for interfacing to the "Real" world... the world of compilers and high level languages. Look for the Dwarf 1.1 spec, the Digital Unix Object file spec, USB 2.0 Specs, PowerPC info, and floating point reference material.
This is really helping round out the site. If you'd like to see something covered in more depth, let me know, otherwise, I'll just add stuff when I find it. I enjoy hearing positive things from you all... keep sending your notes in...
9/27/1999 Update:
Hi all,
I've been working on adding more information about different processor
architectures, as well as some new "macro" filesystems (network centric
ones specifically...). Let me know if I missed your favorite...
I'm also working on a system to do nightly archives of the different subsections
of the site. Hopefully this will help people who are dealing with limited
amounts of time online... although the downloads will be pretty large.
Anyways, as always, let me know if you have any suggestions or concerns,
9/3/1999 Update:
I've been working on updating a variety of different pieces of information...
also working on moving to a completely different backend for presenting the
I've added a new document titled "Guide to x86 Bootstrapping (and Partitioning)" as well as "Analysis of the Ext2fs structure"... In the Other section, I've added info about the ATX spec as well as some general guides to overal PC architecture. Just for fun, I added a disassembled version of the Win'95 bootsector... just to make us wonder what is really running the world...
I'm about ready to unveil a new section detailing free OS projects that are currently active. If you have a pet project of your own, please let me know and I'll give you some publicity! :)
8/26/1999 Update:
More minor updates to the "Other Hardware" section...
I'm still collecting links to grass roots OS design projects... Hopefully I'll be unveiling the new section soon... keep me up to date with your sites.
As always, I a appreciate links to non-grass-roots OS 's as well... if you have a favorite, send it my way. Anyways, enough for now,
-Chris out.
7/7/1999 Update:
Tiny updates to fix some script issues... now new articles are marked as new
or updated just like the sections on the main page. This only works for
actual text documents (ie, not offsite links)... but hey now you can see
what is changing on this site!
I'm now collecting links to free (ie source available) OS's out on the net...
if you have a favorite, make sure you send it
my way!
6/30/1999 Update:
Well, a much needed update has taken place... I added stuff relating to the IA64 architecture, as well as a bunch of interesting new filesystems. Also in the queue is another article in the protected mode section about Unreal mode... with C++ classes that implement it!
I'm now collecting links to free (ie source available) OS's out on the net... if you have a favorite, make sure you send it my way!
5/22/1999 Update:
A small start to the communications section... I have been terribly busy, school is now out for the year and I am moved into my new apartment... life has been busy. I'm hoping to do some substantial updates in the next couple of days... especially to the comm section.
I love legos, don't you?
4/28/1999 Update:
4/16/1999 Update:
More additions to the OS/RC. Added a very complete section on disk drives
and am working on finishing the sound section and the comm section. Right
now, I have so much info for the communications section, I'm not sure how
to organize it.
As always, I love to hear from you. Let me know if you have any comments,
suggestions or problems that need to be addressed. I'm also always looking
for new/updated material.
4/12/1999 Update:
Big changes happening in the OS/RC. Lookout for bugs in the new CGI scripts...
and thanks to all for reports so far. As always, please let me know if
something is not working. I have a lot of good material for the Disc drives
and Communications sections, and am hoping to bring those up before long.
Copyright © 1995-9 Chris Lattner
Last modified: Tue Jul 25 22:16:49 2006 |
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