My Experiences with the Boot Sector

When I first started playing with OS kind of topics, the first thing that I did was make a bootsector that I stuck on a floppy... This was very interesting, as I was basically crafting my own OS. Since then, I have been distracted to work on other things... and the code has been rotting on my hard drive.

When I was doing a clean up of my drive, I noticed it, and being the good netizen that I am, I'm giving it away. Although I haven't tested it for more than 3 years now, I believe it does do some stuff... so if you'd like to play with it, scrap a floppy and copy the boot sector onto the disk.

This also comes with a small set of utilities (and their source as well). These were originally written in Turbo Pascal (I'm sorry! Really I am! :) with a lot of inline assembler. If you don't have Turbo Pascal, you can either use the included EXE file or convert them to C. If you do port them to C, please send them my way and other people can use them.

Oh, the catch... there's always a catch, isn't there? I haven't worked with this stuff for over 3 years now... Which means that I probably won't be able to do an adequate job explaining it... :) It is somewhat documented... and it has function names that are longer than a character. Other than that, I can't offer much support. There are some batch files in the source directory (BOOTSEC) for doing things like compiling it and copying it onto the disk. The tools directory (NEWFAT) has stuff the tools source and executables in it.

Pulling back very old memories, I remember that I was just starting to implement a filesystem with program loading support... other than that, you're on your own. :) If you would like to contribute something back to this page, feel free to email it to me, and I'll put your stuff here (with full credits of course)... Anyways, download it below!


Copyright © 1994-8 Chris Lattner
Last modified: Wednesday, 13-Sep-2000 12:10:31 PDT